Classic Italy Small Group Sept 22, 2016

Welcome to this group!!

We are a couple from Florida celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary!!

Looking forward to meeting the rest of the group! We will arrive 2 days prior to get adjusted to Italian time. We may go to Capri for a day tour before meeting the group for drinks and dinner! We are wondering what to pack in just 1 suitcase that will last for 14 days!!

If you are scheduled for this trip please let us know and welcome!!


  • Nice to meet you ... we are from St. Paul, Minnesota and this is our first trip to Italy ... married for 23 years with two kids in college. We too are arriving early but just a day early on a flight that gets in around noon. We haven't made any advance plans yet but were reading its not a good idea to make a lot of plans at least during our Rome visit given the variability of the Vatican evening tour.

    Not sure what to do with the luggage but the Tauck representative said its best to keep the bags under 50 lbs and bring a third bag if needed. We will probably do some laundry at some point during the trip.

    Very much looking forward to the trip and hopefully we can get some conversations going!
  • Hello,
    I'm assuming this is the group for 9/18 through 9/30.
    My wife and I arriving 9/17. We're coming from Hilton Head, SC. We're really looking forward to the trip .
  • edited August 2016

    Not sure what to do with the luggage but the Tauck representative said its best to keep the bags under 50 lbs and bring a third bag if needed. We will probably do some laundry at some point during the trip.

    Very much looking forward to the trip and hopefully we can get some conversations going!

    Just be aware none of the hotels have DIY laundry and you won't easily find a laundry nearby. That leaves sending it out through the hotel(s) which is a bit expensive or doing it yourself in the room. I washed some underwear and shirts in Torgiano which is about mid-tour. I washed the first night but most items weren't dry by the time I had to pack the following night- we had to have bags ready to go early the next morning. Our room was a suite so had two bathrooms and two hair dryers which we used to finish drying everything.
  • We also did laundry in Torgiano too. There is a self service laundromat within walking distance of the hotel. It takes coins, and there is a euro change machine inside. You need to bring your own detergent. The grocery store in town sells detergent, just keep in mind they aren't open all day.

    Just don't do as I did and set the temperature on the dryer too high. I ruined a couple of shirt decals with the high heat.
  • My husband and I are also on the Classic Italy small group tour which begins on September 25. We will be traveling from Colorado and this will be an early anniversary celebration. We will arrive a day prior to the tour to get over any jet lag and avoid any flight delays. This will be our first trip to Italy and we are so looking forward it!
  • Hi there. My husband Bill and I are on this tour. Also our first trip to Italy. We are from NJ. The trip is in celebration of me turning the big 5-0. Laundry is a concern for me also. I guess we will figure it out. We are also arriving a day early and are planning to visit Capri.

    Looking forward to meeting all of you and having a wonderful time.
  • Hi everyone -- as we posted already, just wanted to say that we are having to delay our trip until next spring due to a family situation. Glad we bought the insurance!

    Best wishes and hope you all have a great tour!

  • Richard and Mary,

    Sorry you had to reschedule, hope all is well and you have a blessed trip next spring.

    We are due to arrive on Sep 20 at noon and will relax first afternoon and hope to see Capri on Sep 21. If possible, we plan to take fast ferry in morning to Capri and then take boat over to grotto, then explore Capri.

    Seems like some of you may have the same plan, hope to see you at the hotel the evening we first arrive on Sep 20.
    Looking forward to this trip!

    Bryan and Yasmin

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