Recommendations for Car & Driver

Four of us on the 9/17 Amsterdam to Budapest cruise. Spending a couple of days before and after in each of the above cities. Looking for recommendations for car and driver to take us around the cities to cover sites not part of the Tauck tours. Any recommendations?


  • I can't answer for Budapest but did spend 2 nights in Amsterdam last fall before the Rhine/Moselle cruise which has the same itinerary in Amsterdam - a canal cruise and 2 hrs at the Rijksmuseum which leaves a ton of Amsterdam still to see. The canal cruise is very nice and a great way to see the architecture in the city.

    The city is so compact that I'm not sure a car is really the best way to visit unless you want to get out of the main part of the city. We stayed at the Sofitel which is right in the oldest section and walked everywhere. Never even needed to take a tram. There's Dam square, lots of churches, the Amsterdam history museum, Anne Franks house, the Van Gogh museum, etc etc. Plus walking has the advantage of helping with jetlag so you're more ready to enjoy the cruise when it starts.

    If you don't already have a guidebook, I recommend Rick Steve's pocket guide. It's small, has nice maps, gives lots of information including some suggested self guided walking tours. You should also just do an internet search of "Amsterdam top ten things to do". Tons of free help.

    If you are still sure you want a car/driver and no one else gives you a suggestion, contact the concierge at your hotel directly.

  • Thanks for the feedback. We decided to forego the car & driver and stick to canal boats, trams and our own two feet.

    On another topic - During the cruise, on days where we have more than one touring option available to us, when does TAUCK need to know which we would prefer? On regular cruise ships we needed to book in advance of the departure date.
  • I never had to specify anything before a cruise started. If there was 2 different sites to see and buses they wanted to know a day or so ahead. One dinner on the Rhine we had to say meat or vegetarian a few days before. On the Rhone there was multiple activities one day which could only handle small groups at a time. The day before we had to sign up for which order we would see them in.

    When buses are needed some days you coiuld chose to return to the ship after a walking tour or stay in town longer. They will have buses available and will tell you when and where. They might want to know if you are staying or going but just so they can keep track. There's more flexibility if the walking tour starts from the ship.

    Every evening you'll get a Discovery Briefing on what the plan is for the next day. Also you'll find a printed schedule, info sheet and weather report for the next day.

    Don't worry. Tauck makes this all very easy and fairly flexible.
  • For a car and driver I’ve used Roberto with He sets everything up for you, including tickets if you need them. I’ve used him in Rome, Berlin, Monaco, Sicily, Dubrovnik, etc. I’m going to use him in Amsterdam, Brussels, and Paris next spring.

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