Airlines from Boston

We have just booked this tour for next year. To early to book air. We will be booking our air through Tauck. I know I could call Tauck. Which we will when its time to book. But was curious if someone who has actually been on this trip from around the Boston area, could give some information on the airlines Tauck used to get to Barcelona and return trip from Lisbon. It doesn't look like there is a direct flight from Boston to Barcelona. Would rather fly to NY for a connecting flight, then have a connecting flight in Europe. Thank you, to anyone who can help.


  • edited July 2016
    Hello Dokey. I would advise doing research yourselves to see the possible airlines you can use that get you connections in the cities that are convenient for YOU. Although we almost exclusively use Tauck for our air, it took us a while to realize that they only contract with certain airlines, and these can change from year to year for some destinations. So on one of our earlier tours with them, they had us flying with Delta to a hub airport, so three flights in all when we could have driven to NY in a couple of hours and taken just two flights and saving hours on the total journey. So choose the flights that suit you best and then get Tauck to book them for you, that way, you still don't pay for the flight until two months before and you are in the Tauck system for more lenient changes and so on. We are still learning, on our upcoming tour, we wanted to use premium economy or even business one way, we had called them when they recommended we call them to book the flights and only economy was left. So when we were paying our final payment this week, we tried to see if seats had opened up and we discovered that BA don't allow you to fly economy one way and business the other. We did that last year on a tour. So that was new to us.
    I know I have flown to Barcelona airport but that was probably about forty years ago. I hope it is less stressful than Madrid airport that we flew to last year, the longest walks we have ever had between security and gates and long lines at security and generally confusing.
  • I have never booked air through Tauck. When I did Yellowstone tour people who booked through Tauck had to go from Grand Rapids to Salt Lake with another layover to Boston. I headed east with just one layover to Boston. So, yes do your research before booking with Tauck for best flights. Advantage of Tauck is cancelation policy.
  • We never book air through Tauck either. When we had to cancel a tour for a medical reason -- Tauck's insurance reimbursed us for our airfare even though we made the reservations on our own directly with the airline. We did not expect that and thought it was truly above and beyond. Dokey -- when are you taking Paradors? We are booked for September, 2017.
  • judy 05, we are taking this tour in June 2017.

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