Amsterdam to Budapest September 10, 2016

Hello all. We are on the Sept. 10th trip and wondering what to pack for the weather. I am not used to being limited to 1 suitcase and 50 pounds since we travel a lot by car and can take anything we want. We went to Italy a few years ago and I remember taking all the wrong things. We went in October and it was HOT - I had lots of long sleeved shirts and long slacks and wished I had packed t-shits and skirts. My last trip to Austria and Germany was in July and it was also hot! I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has been there at this time of year. I am assuming it will be cool in Amsterdam and gradually get warmer as we cruise into Germany and the Danube. Any advice? I would also love to hear from others going with us!


  • There is no way to be sure. You can check the historic averages Tauck lists in the Before You Go section but that's no guarantee. We did Amsterdam to Basel last Oct and mostly had 50s-low 60s with rain and overcast skys. A friend took the same tour same time the previous year and had great weather. Do a 10 day weather check just before you leave and adjust as needed.

    Pack thin layers, definitely a water resistant jacket, a wrap or sweater for evenings, don't bother with a lot of dressy stuff. No one cares if you wear the same outfit multiple times. We do some laundry on board (slacks using the ships service) and pack at least a few tops each that can be hand washed and dry quickly.

  • Thank you Claudia!

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