Food and Drink

Since we will have a lot of early morning jeep trips on this tour, can you take coffee and a breakfast bar with you on the jeep. I know this is probably a crazy question, but I need coffee at 6:00 a.m. Should I bring a thermos?


  • It will be provided before departure if it is the same as the three safaris I have taken. Don't forget if you need the bathroom you will have to ask the driver to stop while everyone waits for you!
  • Oh yea, I forgot coffee means restroom. Thanks for reminding me, I guess I will only have a sip.
  • We brought my Dad along to Tanzania/Bridges in 2014 and he brought his travel mug (never leaves home without it!). He loves a HOT drink and was happy he had it for that reason... his coffee or tea lasted much longer.

    You don't have to dehydrate yourself... but, yes, pacing oneself on the liquid intake is a wise idea!
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