free time in edinburgh

Can anyone from Tauck, or those who have been on the Scotland trip, tell me if we'll have any time to shop in Edinburgh? The stores close at 5:30pm and it seems we'll be touring most of everyday. We are golfers so we definitely will be going on the St. Andrews tour when others will be visiting Edinburgh and are able to shop the town.
Also, any tips on what to bring and not to bring(clothes) would be helpful. It looks cool over there as we speak. Our tour is August 18th! Thanks!!!


  • It's a while since I lived in Scotland, but unless it has changed, the goods will be the usual tourist things like woolen sweaters and maybe kilts. The only advantage you have is that because of Brexit, you will find the prices a little better, but they will probably not be a bargain compared to US prices.
  • I did the Scotland trip last year. You should shop in Inverness or the town you stop in for lunch. E is more expensive and so much to see. You have from lunch on the day you tour castle and palace.
  • Thanks for your help on the free time in Edinburgh! Any tips since you did the tour last year? We're looking forward to it. It'll be our 3rd Tauck tour.
  • There is very interesting tennament house close to castle, a house to explore in new town, museum and art museum. Going to see the britainnia by bus is worth the trip.

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