Amalfi Coast, Capri and Rome-New Traveler

Hello, this will be my husbands and my first trip to Italy. We are going the last week of September and I have no idea what I should pack except comfortable shoes. Can anyone out there help me with some clothing tips?? And is there anyone out there that might be going on the same trip???


  • edited August 2016
    This was our first Tauck tour maybe fifteen years ago, and it has barely changed and I am sure you stay at the same hotels. It is a very casual tour, so you want to concentrate on casual comfortable touring clothing. Look at the Before You Go section on the page for the tour and you will find a weather section. Look at the temperatures and decide what you normally wear in those temperature ranges. It's always good to think layers for clothing too. Italian hotels are small in comparison to US hotels. I looked at your itinerary and cannot see anything there that shows you would have to dress up too much. I would be wearing capris during the day if I was going.
  • Thank you that was very helpful. I thought capris and layers would work for me. I'm wondering it is appropriate for my husband to wear kaki shorts and jeans when touring?? I do understand they dress up a bit for dinner.
  • If you mean blue denim jeans, I think there are better alternatives for two reasons. First, denim is such a heavy fabric, so we avoid that when we are thinking about weight of suitcases when we can. Second, Khaki Dockers type pants for men can take you from day to evening if necessary. If it was my husband, that is what he would be wearing. I can see shorts working for some of your days.
  • edited August 2016
    We took this trip last year. Although Italian men don't wear shorts (they think they are for children), your husband will probably be comfortable in Positano and Capri wearing shorts. These are international resort areas and you will see men wearing shorts. I would not wear them in Rome. I would have some nicer clothes for dinner (a jacket for men and a dress for women). Though you will never be turned away from a on-tour meal for under dressing, some of the restaurants are quite nice (particularly the nicer hotel restaurant in Capri). If you want to fit in with the locals, dress up a bit when eating at a nice restaurant.
  • Thank you all so much for your response. They were very helpful!!!!
  • Just remember for churches knees and shoulders must be covered. Or you might not be allowed to tour to see the amazing architecture and art.
  • HI Sweat Pea. I am going Sep 17-24 - is this the trip you refer ? Are you getting excited? I'm coming (Solo) from looking foward.... xoxo
  • Hi Sharon, You are going the week before us. We leave Sept 23rd to 30th. I am getting very excited!!! I think that's awesome you are going solo. I hope you make a lot of friends and have a wonderful time!!!
  • Have fun Sweet Pea. Gosh the time is almost near. Only three more sleeps before I go. Have fun and ENJOY. xoxo

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