transfer from hotel to boat

Does anyone know what time Tauck picks us up at the hotel on the day of embarkation?. We would like to book a tour that day, but not sure what time would work best.


  • The cruise starts at 4pm so they generally try not to get you there too much earlier. They'll probably tell you to meet the group at the hotel between 3-3:30.

    What we usually do is get extra tags for our carryonluggage from the TD (they should be at the hotel the morning of the cruise start). Have breakfast, get the luggage ready for pickup in our room, take whatever we want with us for sightseeing (or anything you just absolutely don't want to trust to someone else to carry), clear our bill with the hotel then set out for sightseeing. Then at the pickup time, we just show back up at the hotel, board the bus and get to the ship. You're luggage will be in your stateroom ready to unpack.

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