What to pack?

Is a sports coat advisable for a man on this trip in Oct 2016?


  • edited August 2016
    We took this trip earlier this year. Very few men wore jackets to the Welcome Dinner. Before the Farewell Dinner we took the tram up Sugarloaf and only one man wore a jacket.

    One suggestion in terms of clothing. When you are at Iguazu Falls there will be an opportunity to take a boat ride where you will get SOAKED -- even with the rain ponchos they give you. Even the money in people's wallets was soaked through. This is not a Tauck sponsored activity but several people on our tour did it. If you think it is something you would like -- you might want to bring some old clothes that you can just throw out or some that are fast drying. You come back too late to send clothes out for cleaning. I had some large plastic bags that I gave to some friends to use for their wet clothes and they sent them out at the next stop.

    This is a fabulous trip. Maybe our favorite. It is a great mix of cities and natural wonders. Enjoy every minute!!
  • We took this tour in September 2014. My husband did not bring a sport coat. Looking back, we think one gentleman wore a sport coat. We had many more woman than men on this tour. Echoing what Judy said, the optional tour at Iguazu Falls was fabulous. I took an REI waterproof jacket and pants and my husband had a waterproof poncho. Neither of us had wet clothing afterward. Hair and exposed skin were drenched.
    This was one of our favorites. You will have a great time.
  • What is your tour date? My husband and I are doing the trip beginning October 28.

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