Essence of South America

We are planning to take the Essence of South America trip Sept 2017. There are two departure dates, Sept 15 and Sept 28. For us, taking the Sept 15 departure is best. But, I have some concern about wether the temperatures will still be "wintery" then. Is anyone knowledgeable about the temps comparing mid Sept to late Sept for this trip?


  • Hi LouMary,
    We took the first September tour in 2014. I believe it began Sept. 19th. The weather in all locations was spectacular. Warm but not hot. The only exception was Bariloche. We had snow the day we got to Llao Llao. However, the snow made the drive through the Andes and the view from the hotel fabulous. Obviously, weather can be unpredictable. I would go with the date that works best for you. It's a great trip.
  • I asked our Essence of South America tour director your question. He has been doing this tour for years and said that the two weeks should not make an appreciable difference. Fabulous trip! Enjoy!!

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