Bridges Castle On The Rhine June 29, 2017

We are Rick and Martha from Kansas City. We will be travelling with our four grandchildren. Two girls ages 16 and 12 and two boys ages 15 and 13. This will be our second Bridges Tour. Tauck does an outstanding job of activities for everyone of all ages. We did a Tauck Bridges River Cruise from Budapest to Passau in 2015 with our 15 year old grandson and he still talks about it.


  • It's great that you have enjoyed your Bridges tours. Very few posters on this forum contribute. It would be helpful if you could post some information about the tours - the kinds of activities the kids/families particularly enjoyed, the kinds of food choices available especially at dinner, how the TDs managed the tour, etc. In general, ways the tour differs from the non-Bridges versions.
  • edited January 2017
    We are excited to participate in this River cruise. My name is Adrian, my husband (Sandy) and I will be travelling with our 17 yr old son (Isaiah). In 2014 my son and I did the Blue Danube Bridges River cruise and had a wonderful time! We enjoyed the pace and variety of the activities! are looking forward to the new adventures and friendships this journey will bring!
  • Looking forward to meeting other families! We are Sara and Greg, from Seattle, travelling with our 15 yr old son, 13 yr old daughter and a grandpa to boot. I would love some information about kid activities while on the boat. See you in June!
  • edited February 2017
    Hello! My name is Christine and we are from Cape Cod. We will be on this tour with our daughters (12 & 9), my sister's family (13, 11, 9 - all boys) and my parents. We are really looking forward to this trip. Last year the 11 of us did the Sweet Life tour of Italy and I can't say enough about Tauck. It really was so well done, organized and fun right down the smallest detail. I know this will be another great adventure.

    BTW, my husband is from WA and I used to live by Pike Place, so I'm looking forward to saying hi to the Seattle family.
  • Hello all - I am Erin & our family of 5 is from Hinsdale, outside of Chicago - kids are 16, 13, 11 (boy, boy, girl). Also on the trip will be my brother & his family from Shaker Heights, OH, 2 girls 12 & 8, as well as my parents. Looking forward to meeting everyone onboard.
  • edited June 2017

    Hi Everyone,
    We are Barbee and Jim from Seattle and are traveling with our grandson. Owen, Age 13, on this cruise. We look forward to meeting you all very soon and sharing this adventure. We have traveled with Tauck a few other times but this is our first family trip. See you soon!

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