
We will be traveling with 3 children ages 8-10 & 11
Are there things to do for children aboard ship & also menu's for children's tastes?


  • The ship is a Princess cruise one. I know that there are activities that the ship provides for children. You could check their website to see what is available.

    If you are doing the Grand Alaska and not the Bridges version, you should understand that the land portion will not have activities for the children. You will need to bring things to keep them engaged as the distances that you need to travel between locations can be long. The scenery in Alaska is beautiful, but might not hold their interest.
  • I noticed hidden in the info for the regular Alaska tour that Tauck says they recommend age 8 and above for this tour, but I did think originally the same as Kathy. When I booked my latest tour with Tauck, for the first time the agent went through the tour and talked about the activity and pace grading they gave it. That's never been mentioned to us on any other tour we have booked. As it is our third tour to Costa Rica with Tauck, we know we will be fine. We love it there and Tauck keep tweaking the tours there, so it does not cover the same territories as before. Grammies, did you see the info about age recommendation in the tour page?

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