Essence of South America

I am registered to go on the Essence of South America trip beginning on March 10, 2017. I am curious to know others traveling on this trip as I am going solo although am meeting two friends at the airport in Atlanta also going on this trip. I am from the Kansas City area and just want to say "hello" to the others if they happen to see this in the travel forum. Please introduce yourself and any feedback you might have prior to the start of the trip. My female friends going with me are Bari, from Birmingham and Margo, from Chicago. I plan not to have any vaccinations but that is my choice and I travel often.


  • Hello, Suzy, We are a trio who were once a quartet of traveling buddies for almost 20 years. Our single is a widower and great fun. I hope you get to meet her right away - Barbara. Looking forward to meeting you and your friends.


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