Any laundry/laundromat facilities at any of the hotels?
We are on the March 21 departure and would like to do laundry about midway through the trip if possible. Maybe during the 2 night stay? Thanks in advance.
PJ, My wife and I will be on that departure also. See you there!
I just searched* the forum archives and found the posts pasted below:
(*searching is easy- click on the "Search" link on the blue bar just below the "Tauck Travel Forums" header above, select the forum by scrolling down to "Latin America" and clicking on "Peru & Galápagos Islands" from the list), type "laundry" (I also searched on wash and laundromat) in the search window, and click "search")
I got 3 pages of results that indicate there isn't much in the way of laundry or laundromats on this trip- the only option appears to be to send it out thru the hotel. In addition to the two posts below, there are entries saying there is no laundry on the Isabella II either and no DIY laundry at any of the hotels. I'm going to do a Google Maps search for a Laundromat near out hotel in Guayaquil. There won't be enough time to have it done by the hotel there since we fly to the Galápagos early the next morning. I will update this post if I find one. UPDATE: None close or that it would be safe to walk to, unless you take a taxi. There is always the hotel sink or shower, but it probably wouldn't be dry by the next morning- you could always pack it in a plastic bag and take it to the Galápagos and hang it up to dry on the ship or use the ship's dryer that Joyce reported if it is still there.
HML Posted: Friday, July 24, 2015 8:38:25 PM
"Hello Marlie,
We just returned from this trip in May. We thoroughly enjoyed it.
With the exception of one blouse, ALL my clothes were "casual." For the dinner in Lima I wore a pair of Capri pants, my dressier blouse and dressier flip flops. All was well. Having said that, there were definitely some people in "dress" clothes. But, there were also people wearing everything in between...
FYI: There is an opportunity to have laundry done while at The Hotel Monasterio, in Cusco...
Enjoy your holiday!"
Additional info on HML's post. I found another post that said one of the TD's had a local contact in Cusco that would do laundry for half what the Monasterio charges, but bring your own bag.
Joyce adds:
joycesw Posted: Thursday, September 12, 2013 12:13:20 PM
"I seem to recall a dryer on the upper deck of the Isabella II (near where the wetsuits are hung), but have no clear memory of a washer being available. Here's a hint about clothing: I certainly wish I had brought a few more of the sun-type shirts (roll up long-sleeve, button-front, lightweight, zipped pockets...Columbia/North Face brand) to be worn over tank tops. I only brought one and wore it on just about every shore excursion to protect from the sun without being too warm. I even wore it snorkeling when I didn't want to bother with the wetsuit."