Post Tour Company - Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos

Hello fellow Taucktourians: I'm taking the Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand tour December 2025 and want to add a post tour to Laos. I was excited to see Tauck added the Laos trip back to the schedule in 2026 and was willing to push the trip; however, it does not include Thailand. There's always a trade-off.

The Tauck Travel documents list Trails of India as the in-country guide. I reviewed their website and it appears they also offer tours in Laos. When Tauck publishes its VCL itinerary, my plan is to mirror the Laos portion (with perhaps a few tweaks--I'm sure there will be a museum that I can bypass)

Please provide feedback if you have toured Laos independently or have any experience with Trails of India tour company. Also please let me know if there is a Laos tour company/guide you would recommend. I plan to spend 3 full days in Laos.
Cheers! B)


  • I also thought about a post tour to Laos as we are also scheduled for the Vietnam Cambodia Thailand tour in 2025. Although I think it would be easier to do the Vietnam Laos Cambodia trip and do Thailand as a standalone tour. You could easily spend a few weeks in Thailand if you added in some beach time in the south.

  • Hi LindaMarie,
    Thanks for your feedback. I considered moving to 2026 for the Laos portion as I thought Laos was being added to the overall tour. I didn't realize it was two separate tours.

    I agree, it will probably be easier to navigate Thailand independently; however, a fellow traveler has a 2 year project ending in December 2026 and it will be nearly impossible to be away from the office during that long period of time. I'm curious if Tauck will include the tour to Ha Long Bay with the new Laos itinerary. That will be an add-on for me in Vietnam.

    When are you planning to take the tour?

  • PureLuxury-

    My Vietnam trip included Laos and Cambodia but not Thailand so at the end of our trip to Japan with TAUCK, we detoured on our way home to Thailand. We spent approximately 1 week there. We split our time between Bangkok and Chang Mai. We prearranged tours and private guides- it was wonderful albeit too hot!!!. We were there in May which I don’t recommend…it was too hot! I think I have on ur ‘itinerary ’ -pm me if you want more info. In any event, I loved Thailand - especially Bangkok. I’m hoping to return within the next few years.

  • Pure Luxury. We are going end of Nov. 2025. Changing dates wouldn’t work for us either. Maybe one day we will get back to see Laos if we are in the area. 😊. Right now planning ore tour Halong Bay and post tour Thailand Beaches.

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