Best time to visit New Zealand North and South Island??

Looking to book a trip in 2025 or 2026 and months offered are Jan-early March or Mid-Sept to late October. Also noticed most forums discussions are from pre=covid so am curious if anyone has recent experience on this tour?
Thanks for info!


  • I'm new to Tauck (1st trip will be Dec.2026) and I'm very interested in visiting NZ. It's a shame that no one replied to your query. If you will share where you went to get answers to your question and what you ultimately booked I'd appreciate it!

  • We went on the original New Zealand tour with Tauck years ago, it would have been January or February. That is their summer and an ideal time to go. It does not get very hot like in Australia at that time of year. We are taking this new tour next year, partly because they visit new areas and partly because it is such a beautiful country to visit. It’s also a nice way of missing some winter here in the North East of the US. Sadly it does not include Wellington which we really enjoyed last time, much better than Auckland.

  • Thanks for your reply, British.

  • I took the Australia and New Zealand tour about 2 years ago in February, weather was lovely, New Zealand was my favorite, beautiful country.

  • We just came back from both islands of NZ this past November - first two weeks. It was with a different tour company. We started in Aukland and ended in Christchurch. Generally, temps were in the low 60s during the day. Exceptions were the national park area in the middle of the North Island where it was in the 50s and a gorgeous day in Christchurch in the 70s. Only one day of rain on the trip. Dress in layers was the rule. November was a nice time, we were told by the TD, as it is spring-like and before the busy January to March season. Enjoy the trip!

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