
Hello all,

We are considering the Spotlight on New Zealand Tour. I do get motion sickness and there are 5 incidents where you are on a boat/ferry. I was wondering if anyone who has gone suffers from motion sickness and how they fared. Thanks! Marcie


  • We have done this trip as part of the Grand Australia & NZ, and I have just looked at the separate itinerary for NZ.
    Tauck uses a private plane for most of the time, and the boat trips are generally in sheltered Sounds so not rough. The only part which is exciting is the Shotover River experience but I am sure the fun factor will far outweigh any motion sickness during that short trip. Anyway, the boat returns to the same pier that it leaves from, so if you are at all worried (and the Tour Director cannot convince you) you could always sit that one out ashore.
  • I agree with Richard. I think you will be fine on the Shotover experience as the boat travels so very fast but does come to very sudden stops to avoid hurtling into the rocks! You may find the drive to the Shotover River more of a problem if you are nervous going along a very narrow winding road with steep drop offs. We loved the experience!
  • I am not on this trip, however, I do have advice that may help and prevent sea or motion sickness. I have raced sailboats for over 20 years on the great lakes in pleasant and terrible weather and waves. I always maintained a supply of "fireballs" which are available at most candy stores. For some unknown reason the cinnamon and spice works fantastically. Simply start sucking on one before leaving the dock. One lasts over one hour. The other product is chewable ginger available at health food stores. Good luck and enjoy the trip!
  • Interesting captain! But the Shotover ride is crazy fast with abrupt stops, personally I would not want to be eating anything in case I choked on it. The Shotover is one of the craziest experiences I have ever had and I am still here to tell the tale.
  • Richardb wrote:
    We have done this trip as part of the Grand Australia & NZ, and I have just looked at the separate itinerary for NZ.
    Tauck uses a private plane for most of the time, and the boat trips are generally in sheltered Sounds so not rough. The only part which is exciting is the Shotover River experience but I am sure the fun factor will far outweigh any motion sickness during that short trip. Anyway, the boat returns to the same pier that it leaves from, so if you are at all worried (and the Tour Director cannot convince you) you could always sit that one out ashore.

    Thank you Richard. No way I am sitting that out! Maybe Bonine?
  • British wrote:
    I agree with Richard. I think you will be fine on the Shotover experience as the boat travels so very fast but does come to very sudden stops to avoid hurtling into the rocks! You may find the drive to the Shotover River more of a problem if you are nervous going along a very narrow winding road with steep drop offs. We loved the experience!

    Now that might be a problem. I was on a tour on Scenic Route one in California to San Simeon and that winding road made me really ill. I hadn't taken Dramamine or Bonine though. How long was the drive there?
  • I am not on this trip, however, I do have advice that may help and prevent sea or motion sickness. I have raced sailboats for over 20 years on the great lakes in pleasant and terrible weather and waves. I always maintained a supply of "fireballs" which are available at most candy stores. For some unknown reason the cinnamon and spice works fantastically. Simply start sucking on one before leaving the dock. One lasts over one hour. The other product is chewable ginger available at health food stores. Good luck and enjoy the trip!

    Captain Bligh I love fireballs! I will try it.

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