things to do with an 8 year old in Vienna

taking the July 2, 2016 Bridges cruise with my daughter and 8 year old grandson
ideas for free time in Vienna? also - in a day early and ideas for Budapest welcome, too
eight year old boys need "things to do"!!


  • If you go to the website for the Kempinski hotel, it gives a whole list of places and distances from the hotel. Very central and nothing too far away, lucky. That would be my first resource after I knew what your 8 year old's interests are. You don't really have much time on the day of your arrival, you will be very tired and jet lagged, so I suggest a rest, then a walk outside to help your inner clock start readjusting, then maybe a swim in the indoor pool. The next day, you only have the morning before you will be taken to the boat and then you have a free afternoon the next day. Usually, when you arrive early for a Tauck vacation at the hotel, always introduce yourselves as part of the Tauck tour and ask if you have been left any information by your tour director. This often contains lots of ideas for things to do, restaurants and things to be wary of in your surroundings. On your free afternoon, you will be provided with ideas. Meanwhile you can google What to see and Do in Budapest, or go on line and view and read extracts from the popular guidebooks on line, like Fodors, Frommers and Lonely Planet. You could even look at Viator tours for ideas in Budapest. By the time you get to Vienna, your tour director will have furnished you with plenty of ideas, or you can repeat the process you did for Budapest, but at least then you will have switched your inner time zones.

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