Nova Scotia & PEI

Just a few days away and I'm beginning to pack. Any tips, suggestions other than layering items? For those who've been, is a dress necessary? I'm looking at the itinerary and for the most part casual seems to be the way to go. Would a skirt suffice? One that could dress up a bit or be more casual? Thanks.


  • I wouldn't bother with an dress unless you really like to wear them in preference to pants. You could go with a nice pair of slacks and dressy top. Halifax is a college town - fun, nice but casual. It's also likely to be cool in the evening so bring a sweater or wrap.
  • This is not a dressy tour at all. We loved the scenery and the food is wonderful, you choose oysters by which bay they are caught in and and the poutine is to die for, literally if you keep eating them! The hotels were just so so for a Tauck tour amd to be honest I cannot remember the names of the hotels we stayed in because it was awhile ago, so I do not know whether they have changed. However, it looks as if at least one has been renovated --- Most of the beds on the tour were just full size. it was our first successful whale watching tour too. Loved it.

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