

Wondering if anyone who has previously been on the Tanzania-Kenya trip can give some advice about how much money to bring and in what denominations (not counting gratuity for the group leader). Thanks and have a great 4th of July!


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    edited July 2018
    It all depends on what you intend to buy. If you think you will not be tempted by souvenirs from locals, then you don't need to bring any money as all the hotels and lodges take credit cards. The Cultural Center souvenirs can be paid or with a card.
    Denominations should be small, $1 and $5 bills, of recent year printing with few wrinkles and no tears or writing on them. If you intend to go on pre trip tours of say Arusha National Park, then bring cash for the price of entry into the park which is not usually included in the price you pay via the hotel and the credit card machine may not work at the park entrance and they want cash. You will have to look up the current amount. Cash tip for your guide too.
    Tell me more about wat type of travelled you are and maybe I might be able to help more.
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    We leave in a week for K&T. We have done it before. We have around three hundred ones, 20 fives, in addition to the $300 we will bring for the TD. My wife ironed the bills that were wrinkled to make them nice and flat. As said, you can use US money everywhere but it must be in near perfect condition. Numerous places take credit cards, but many will add ten percent to the cost of your purchase. As our TD said in his email to us, bring plenty of money cuz you cannot get it in K&T. As he said, cash does not go bad, and theft is not a problem on this trip. On our last trip several people including our TD borrowed money from us. Some people showed up with virtually no money.

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