type of clothing

Going on Oct20 from Amsterdam-Budapest,wondering what type of clothing to pack...Will the temps be nice at that time of year


  • We did the Amsterdam to Basel cruise a few years ago and had mostly cool and partly cloudy/drizzly weather. Based on past averages, temps in the 50s and 60s. If you're lucky you'll get some sunny days. The good part about that time of year is the fall colors can be amazing and the crowds are much thinner.

    Being able to layer your clothes is your best bet. Slacks, a few short sleeve or thin long sleeve tops, a sweater or pullover, and a loose fitting rain jacket with hood should pretty well take care of day wear. My jacket had lots of internal pockets so I didn't usually bother with a purse/tote and even had a pocket the whisper box fit in for guided tours. For most dressy evenings, nice dress slacks, a dressy top/dress shirt, and a wrap/cardigan/pullover sweater. It tends to be cold in the dining room next to the windows. I believe the Amsterdam/Budapest cruise has 1 fancy dress evening at a palace where you might want to amp up the dressiness factor.

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