If you misseed it, or would like to see the completed video

Just finished the video.

To Our Tauck Friends:

If you aren’t bored with my pictures, I’ve just completed another form of it — the BCR video. It has most the same pics, set to music (originally to John Denver’s Colorado Mountain High, etc. for a family video — but I removed that music and pictures of you and us, for privacy and copyright reasons). But, the video has videos within the video! The Calgary Stampede!

So, just sayin’ — if you want to subject yourself to another round of stuff — no password needed.



  • Nice video, beautiful images! What lenses did you actually use, and did you think a tripod was necessary? We're trying to limit what we bring, but I'm not sure if my 24-105mm lens will be sufficient. Looks like you might have used a wider angle lens.
    Thanks. Linda
  • Hi Linda,

    Thank you for the compliments.

    I used a different camera system (an Olympus Micro-Four Thirds) but I’ll translate the focal lengths into DSLR terms.

    I only brought one lens, a 24mm-200mm zoom. So, your 24mm should be fine for wide angle. As for the 105 mm part of your zoom, you can usually move closer if you need to.

    The Peyote Lake and Lake Louise shots are panoramas, and here is the technique I used to get them:

    1. Hold the camera in Portrait (vertical) mode. Take a SERIES of images, overlapping them by 50%. Usually this is a series of 3-5 images. Take a picture of the ground or your hand before you start and when you end the series so you know it is a series.

    2. Use a software program (e.g. Lightroom, Photoshop, don’t know if Photoshop Elements has the feature) to PHOTO-STITCH the images together. Some cameras will do this automatically, but you have less control of the process.

    3. The technique is called a “Hand-held Panorama” and you do not need a tripod — just use a high enough shutter speed — 1/500 of a second will do it, to avoid camera shake. You have lots of daylight.

    4. I didn’t bring a tripod. I can usually take sunset and sunrise shots hand-held, or braced against a rock or something. Might be a bit grainy, but my teacher, a Nat Geo photographer, showed me that oftentimes grainy is beautiful.

    Hope you have a really great trip and enjoy those lovely Rockies!

  • edited July 2018
    You can make great panorama shots with a cell phone. We learned extra cell phone tricks from one of the local guides on a Tauck tour that we had never thought of before. Example we did---- started a panorama of my husband in a temple doorway, he then goes to another doorway on the other side while the panorama of the temple continued, then a second shot of him in the other doorway, fun. Did this back at home in two doorways with our grandchildren, they just loved seeing themselves in the same photo twice, you can do three if you are good at this. . Panorama works great for tall buildings too by panning down to up or visa versa and it's right there on your phone to show anyone.
  • Sounds like a lot of fun.

    Cell phones have become amazing photo devices. I talked to a manufacturer's rep and he said the company stopped making Point and Shoot cameras because of the improvements in cell phone cameras.

    It's a rapidly changing industry, and it is going through another paradigm shift. He may have been biased, but his company felt DSLRs were on the wane and the stock market predictions were not so great for camera manufacturers that did not adjust to that future.
  • Douglassue, would it be possible to reset your video as the link no longer works? Thank you!!

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