

Much conflicting info on "required" vs "recommended" immunizations for those originating in the USA. Anyone have more definitive guidance on this subject. If you go with the CDC or WHO wedsites, you'll be little more than a pin cushion!


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    edited September 2018
    This subject has been beaten up pretty badly. But the short answer is talk to your doctor. I know some travel clinics seem to be a bit overboard. We have done K&T twice, and South Africa once. We have Yellow fever, diptheria, tetanus with whooping cough, hepatitus A & B, pneumonia, shingles, and we do take malaria pills as prescribed. So maybe we are the pincushion people.

    That was two short answers. But, the problem is that it is difficult to get some of these vaccinations on short notice. The yellow fever in particular can take some time. You are unlikely to find it at your local drug store. And, the requirements can change overnight. If they have an outbreak somewhere, it may suddenly become required, and they may or may not want to search through your passport to see if the problem country was on your itinerary. We were asked for our shot records on only one of our three trips, and I really don’t think it was ‘required’ even then. They may have had a problem somewhere, but certainly not San Francisco nor Amsterdam. And yes, the recommended vaccinations by some folks include a couple that are not on my list.
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    We did this trip in July from USA. No one checked our immunization records anywhere. Going from Tanzania to Kenya nothing is required. If the trip went from from Kenya to Tanzania i am pretty sure you would have to have Yellow Fever vaccination because Tanzania requires it from Kenya.
    That being said I got the Yellow Fever Shot and my husband did not. He takes another medication which doesnt mix well with the Yello Fever shot. We did update our tetanus shots and take malaria pills. Even though its winter there were a few mosquitos. We were current on the other shots such as hepatitis from other triips.
    It is my understanding that there are no Required Shots on this trip just recommended. We did go to our regional travel clinic.
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    RayFFoster - my husband and I went to a travel clinic in our area recommended by our family doctor ... guy who spoke to us had been to Africa many times. He indicated we needed the following: Yellow Fever vaccine, up-to-date Hep A, Typhoid, malaria pills and anti-diahrea pills. That was it. I asked specifically about cholera and he said not necessary - overkill. So that's what we did. We did get the Yellow Fever about 3 weeks ago (in case of undesirable side effects) and glad we did - standard is 2 weeks prior to trip, but side effects can appear anytime within a month after the shot. We didn't want to take any chance and good thing - I had a few stomach problems. All good now and ready for the trip!
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    edited September 2018
    DMNow wrote:
    RayFFoster - my husband and I went to a travel clinic in our area recommended by our family doctor ... guy who spoke to us had been to Africa many times. He indicated we needed the following: Yellow Fever vaccine, up-to-date Hep A, Typhoid, malaria pills and anti-diahrea pills. That was it. I asked specifically about cholera and he said not necessary - overkill. So that's what we did. We did get the Yellow Fever about 3 weeks ago (in case of undesirable side effects) and glad we did - standard is 2 weeks prior to trip, but side effects can appear anytime within a month after the shot. We didn't want to take any chance and good thing - I had a few stomach problems. All good now and ready for the trip!

    It appears from people posting about this subject so many times that way more people out there never seem to have had the most basic of shots like tetanus, TDAP, Pneumonia, the new improved shingles vaccine, annual flu shot and even Hep B. All these shots should also be considered to protect yourself from the general US population, the many recent immigrants who may have not had immunizations and your grandchildren if you have them. It’s not just a matter of having your immunization record checked by an African country, it’s to protect YOU. It’s quiet shocking to me that people don’t take basic care of their own health.
    We have been asked to show our immunization record on one of our African tours.

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