
Guest reviews

We are researching our fifth Tauck tour and planning to reserve our dates in the next few weeks. In the past, we have found the reviews and hints from previous Tauck guests extremely helpful in making our decision. However, I cannot find customer reviews when I go to specific tours on the Tauck website. Are they no longer available?


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    I did some digging, but couldn't find them. Since the heavily strucured reviews provided little opportunity to go into any detail and were of more value as a promotional tool, maybe Tauck decided to drop them. I suspect they were a low priority so haven't transitioned to the new website yet. I'll ask Tauck Tim.

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    Thx. I hope they have not discontinued this helpful feature.

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    I've spoken to Tauck about the Tour user reviews previously available. They say that they should be available on the website by the end of the summer. They say it's in testing right now. They say that the reviews will be available at the bottom of each tour, in a similar fashion that the new Travel Forums are accessed.

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    Thank you so much for your response. In the past, I have found the guest reviews helpful.

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