The Rhine , Swiss Alps and Amsterdam Northbound Sept 21, 2019

So looking forward to this trip..Anyone else out there going on this trip?


  • We went on this trip a few years ago and it was wonderful. Depending on how much free time you have we suggest you try and visit the brew pub on the Aare River up the banks from the Bear Den, while in Bern. Its walking distance from your hotel.. Also if you walk through Old Town in Bern you will see the street where much of the PBS "Genius" series on Einstein was filmed. If you haven't already seen it, try and find it. The Einstein house and museum are also just a short walk from your hotel and worth seeing. Also worth doing on your day in Cologne...don't go back to the ship for lunch, go instead to the chocolate factory and then eat in one of the beer halls along the river before joining your tour of the cathedral. Enjoy

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