Group numbers

How many people are typically on a Classic Best of Ireland tour?


  • During non-COVID times 40 - 44. Now, who knows?

  • It's a popular tour but you never know what last minute crisis someone may have had that causes them to pull out. Our England Scotland Wales tour (also another very popular one ) was sold out before it started, but once on tour we ended up with 28

  • Note that the small group tour for Best of Ireland stays at nicer hotels and has other small changes to the itinerary. While I don't always go for small groups, this one definitely seems worth the extra cost.

  • We were in a Small Group but under the original Classic tour (the year they started spliting the two tours out) and all the hotels were nice, though the Hilton was only soso. Thankfully, I don't think Tauck is using them anymore on either tour.

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