Comments on recent ravelers on this tour, Please.

Booked on this trip soon. Any comments regarding restrictions or the tour in general would be appreciated. thanks.


  • I’m interested also. Leaving soon….

  • Rfumuso, leedvid - If you look there are trip reports from last October tours. You both might be on the first of the 2022 tours so you won’t find anything more recent.

  • Thanks Smiling Sam. I think I’ve read all those post but things change in a few months. A couple of tours went on this trip in January. Hoping to hear from those folks. I’d love to know where someone would have to quarantine in Cairo if they tested positive for COVID before returning to US. Hopefully a hotel room and not a hospital, Cynthia

  • I was on the Dec. 3, 2021 trip and the only restrictions I found was that the tour would not let you go to the big Bazaar in Cairo. After all the traffic, we were stuck in numerous times, and the hawkers, we were sick to death of, we really didn't mind. No other restrictions and security was very good. Have a wonderful trip!

  • Leedvid - Seems like Tauck could answer your question about where a quarantine would take place.

  • Hi Sam. Tauck just gave me general information about the tour. Could not speak to restrictions, etc.

  • rfumuso - I could see where Tauck could only provide general information with respect to a general question like 'What restrictions are there on tour', but to a more specific question like leedvid was asking, 'Where would a quarantine take place if a person tests positive in Cairo prior to returning to the US', I think Tauck would be able to provide an answer.

    Or not, but I hope they could answer the specific question.

  • Finding out what happens if anyone tests positive is extremely hard to find. Each country is different and in my research last fall I had a heck of a time. Switzerland's government provided fairly detailed guidance. France was sort of "well you should stay at your lodging but if you go out wear a mask". In both cases it seemed that you were on your own as far as where you stayed and you paid for it.

    On the American Embassy website for Egypt it just says you have to quarantine for 14 days if you test positive. Absolutely nothing about where or how.

  • Talked to someone from Tauck who reached out to her supervisor. If we had to quarantine instead of coming back to the states, it would be in a hotel, not a hospital. She is researching whether it is a government hotel or hotel of our choice. I will post as soon as I know that answer- Cynthia

  • I was on this trip on November 28, 2021. It will blow you away. Just be prepared that day 4-6 can get rearranged dramatically. Our schedule looked nothing like was was published in the green book, or the little printed book our TD gave us at the welcome dinner. Just go with the flow and let the TD be in charge. You’ll see everything. Because of all the internal flights, and getting to the airport early to get to the historical sites early, be prepared to have luggage out at 2:30-3:30 in the morning. All the early start times were totally worth it and I’d do it again.
    I’m not much of a shopper so I only exchanged $50.00 US to Egyptian Pounds. Get small 5 pound notes as you’ll need gem for tips. I did the money exchange at The Mena House. There was still plenty of King Tut artifacts at the Old Museum, so I felt complete about not seeing the New Museum. The Egyptologists we had were both fantastic. From what we were told, next November seems to be when the new Museum will open. No one seemed to have a definite date. All the sites were very quiet with hardly any tourists- made it very pleasant for our small group of 13. The vendors are very annoying- it’s sad they are so aggressive as I might have purchased something if they weren’t so aggressive. It’s cultural so just don’t look at them. Enjoy this trip. It’s quite an adventure and nothing like anywhere you’ve been. I’m happy to answer any questions. I’ve not been on the forum much since I returned - as life got in the way. All good now.

  • Thanks franlovestravel. Tauck got back to me yesterday about quarantine. I was told that if you test positive and have to quarantine instead of returning to the states, it would have to be from 10-14 days and could be at the St. Regis hotel, provided they had availability. This is the last hotel we will be at. Really looking forward to going!!

  • The St Regis is a beautiful hotel and the rooms are gorgeous; however I hope no one gets stuck there not being able to leave the room. The test is now given after lunch on the last day about 4 hours before the farewell dinner. We were so jubilant that we were all negative, it made the farewell dinner even more festive.
    This is a fabulous trip and can’t be compared to anything else. Our Egyptologist’s were both named Magde. I hope you are lucky enough to have them as guides. They are the best. Take lots of pictures! When do you go?

  • We certainly don’t want to have to quarantine there, but I feel a little better knowing it’s not in a state run hospital or hotel. The tour starts February 20th. We are flying out on the 17th.

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