Iceland - Flights on Iceland Air

Any feedback on using Iceland Air? They have economy flex and saga flex, but it seems saga flex isn't a true business class. The economy seats are supposedly roomier than those on US carriers. We will be doing Iceland in 2023. Thanks!!


  • I thought the economy seats were cramped.

  • edited October 2022

    We've been looking at them as well but only the Saga class. More like domestic first class. Wide comfortable seat but not a recliner or lie flat. The rest of the service seems to get good reviews - food, drink, lounge. There's some youtube videos worth watching. Their prices were certainly better than some alternatives.

  • We did Saga class to Iceland in July 2021 and again this June 2022 to Scandanavia (changed planes in Reykjavik). For comparison, we just flew United business class round trip to Switzerland. I would take Iceland air Saga class any day over United Business class. The service is so much better on Saga class. The food is better on Saga class. The seats are better on Saga class. The drinks are better on Saga class. The Reykjavik lounge is a real treat ( so is the United Polaris lounge in Newark). But - no flat bed.The Saga seats are large, comfortable seats - they are not like little compartments ( which I personally, do not like) . My husband liked the United business class better because of the flat beds, but agreed that the alcohol is better on Saga. He thought the food was equivalent. Personally, I can never sleep on planes, so the flat bed is not important to me. We took the kids ( millennials) Saga class - they were gaga about it. I think part of the service aspects is that the Saga class has many fewer seats than most international business class flights.

  • Thanks for the input!!

  • Good to hear Saga lounge in Reykjavik is great as we will be spending a lot of hours waiting for our flight home in July.

  • We just returned from the July 2, 2023 cruise with Tauck/Ponant with Tim Martin leading talks on the ship. Wonderful trip! All the stops around the island were beautiful. We were lucky with sunny weather!! I love the puffins!! The ship is incredible!!
    However on the fight home Saga class Iceland Air my husband and I had the lamb dish and were struck down with food poisoning!!! So lost the weight we gained!! LOL

  • Update on my above comment…. Just flew over to Reykjavík on Iceland air to take a cruise to Greenland ( not Tauck…) . In the last year, the Saga class service and food has gone down in quality measurably. What they offered for breakfast had a distinct similarity to something that my small dog produces in the morning 😂, and was called an “Icelandic pastry “. Yuk.

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