Venice & the Dalmation Coast September 2022

My wife and I just returned from celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary with an extraordinary tour of Venice, Croatia and Montenegro aboard the Jacques Cartier small cruise ship. This was our first Tauck tour, and it exceeded our expectations in every way. Nick and Mateo went out of their way to ensure that we would have the active experience that my wife and I were seeking. We love hiking, biking and sea kayaking, and the tour included all three options. Nick even organized a guided rigorous 8.5 mile hike in Montenegro for us that we never would have been able to pull off without Tauck's expertise.

Thank you Tauck, for helping us to celebrate our anniversary in such a special way!


  • Sounds like you had a great, active time. The Dalmatian Coast is a very interesting place. We did the Tauck land tour of that area and really enjoyed it.

    After all the warfare in that area, I thought it would be in ruins but it was very nice, with only a few places showing the effects of the war.

  • The tour was quite nice but the ship was terrible! this ship had the worse food I have ever had the misfortune to endure! I will NEVER go on a Pennant ship again!!

  • James, we just returned from a tour on a Ponant ship, our third experience n one of their ships. We thought the food was excellent. If you are not used to preparation and cooking and presentation of French food, that could have been the case for you. We have loved the French style since we first traveled to France in our twenties. Of course you may have had a duff head chef, but I doubt it as there are about fifteen cooks on a ship if I recall counting correctly when the ship’s crew are presented.
    If you expected huge American portions and styles of food and food cooked in tons of salt, then I can see why you might have been disappointed. One person said they thought all the soup tasted the same when we thought each had a great different and subtle unadulterated taste. Another person did not know what an amuse bouche was when it arrived, she had never heard of one, I had to explain the translation and concept, so it really depends on what you are used to. We don’t eat out much as we enjoy cooking at home. We have been to some of the top restaurants in the country such as Le Bernardin and Daniel in New York which are similar in style to the food you will find on these ships.
    Maybe you could talk to Tauck to see what they say.

  • British, glad to hear your feedback on Le Jacques Cartier! We are scheduled this fall to be on that ship for Treasures of the Mediterranean. We love French food and have toured most areas of France, so hopefully this will be an extension of us being “Francophiles”.

  • We were on the Bougainville

  • Ahhh, British! There goes my positive thoughts for Le Jacques Cartier!! One can hope.

  • Marla, one of our TD’s does that tour. We were asking him about it as one of the tours that we had booked that was canceled was the equivalent land tour and we still have not rebooked. He was telling us that in his opinion you almost see as much on the sea tour. We enjoy good food but it is not a priority on our tours, it’s the itinerary
    . And in Italy the atmosphere at night that we would miss on a ship. So now it is going to be a hard choice in future if we ever do decide to go to that area.

  • Thanks British, I really appreciate the additional comments. We have been very fortunate to have travelled through most of Europe in the past via land. We are doing this tour because of all the ancient structures in that area….on Malta, Sardinia etc. We enjoy great food when we travel, but it is not our primary desire, just nice to have.

  • Marla, I did not think the Venice and Dalmatian coast goes to Malta and Sardinia, ah, I see you were referring to Treasures of the Med, sorry! We are taking a land tour of Malta and Sicily in a couple of months. We have been to Malta and Gozo before but almost 30 years ago, time flies. With a place like Malta, I’m sure things won’t have changed, no room to build another darn thing on that island. This time we hope to see much more as last time we had our young children with us and it was school holidays and too hot to be trailing around too much. I really enjoyed Malta, even though my dad said he found it nothing but concrete.

  • I'm doing the Adriatic Treasures and Venice in June, very much looking forward to it.
    British I can't wait to hear about Malta and Sicily as that is on my list.

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