Frankfort airport

We will be traveling through the Frankfort on our way to Milan for our Bellissima trip this week. I have been researching what to expect regarding security. I am puzzled by these instructions. "You can take your carry-on luggage into the cabin. Please only bring one piece of carry-on luggage for inspection" It does not say you can only have one carry-on. So does mean they will only examine one of your carry-ons?


  • Your first trip to Germany??

  • When we transferred thru Frankfurt this past Sumer we could have one carryon which was weighed. 17 lb. Limit. Check the dimensions online. We could also have one personal item.

  • Cindy, have you ever been through any airport security that lets you have anything that will not be inspected? If indeed you can only pass through with one bag, then put your personal item inside that bag.

  • I should mention that we flew Lufthansa.

  • Hi CindyL Which Bellisima trip are you on. There seems to be 3 different tours starting next week. We are on the our that lists our start date as October 11. We will be arriving one day early the evening of October 10.

  • The issue is not how many carry -ones we can take on our connecting flight. The wording on the Frankfurt airport website regarding carryons states that you can take your allotted carryons on the plane, but to only bring one to be inspected.I thought the wording was unusual, since I assumed all bags would be inspected. We are traveling to Frankfurt on United (business class) and could take 2carryons and a personal item each. But our connecting flight is on Lufthansa that I think allows 2 per person.
    Our trip starts onOctober 7, and we are going a day ahead.

  • edited October 2023

    Hello. I was just in Frankfurt airport 3 days ago. You can bring a carry-on and a personal item as suggested above. That is typical for just about all airlines. We flew business class from California but what I did notice more than usual was that before boarding, the ticket agents were literally and physically measuring the carry-ons of the economy passengers that wouldn’t fit into the sample dimension mold of what the carry-on luggage should fit in. What is that thing called? It’s at most counters before boarding. I think that the overhead bins get filled so quickly on a full plane that they want some checked in. It appeared very unusual.

  • A "baggage sizer," or "bag sizer."

  • edited October 2023

    It doesn’t matter whether you are traveling business class or not, Tauck asks that you bring one medium sized suitcase, a carry on preferably not wheeled and a personal item like a purse.
    Most countries apart from it seems the US, are more strict about the size of carry on.

  • Tauck has always transported or luggage on bus tours. And we always travel with always travel with 2 carry on

  • Cindy, could you repeat what you are trying to say and how was your tour?

  • Most airlines seem to allow one suitcase "carry-on" and one personal bag, such as a purse. I carry a bag with my camera and computer and they count that as my purse, which allows me to carry one small suitcase carry-on.

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