Namib- Naukluft Park Namibia Question for MIL

This is for MIL

Mil did you tell me that the Namibian company you used to book the 4 x 4 tour to salt pants, into Namib-Naukluft Park (Where Ocean and desert come together) and Sandwich Harbor Lagoon , was with SANDWAVES? Thanks!


  • milmil
    edited March 2024

    Hey Stellie. HI!
    I just saw your post, here is the info. I will do the Sandwich Harbour, on day 4th. depending on how late Tauck will finish the Catamaran sail I can either take the entire day off from TAUCK activities or do the 1/2 day.

    Hope this helps- the company it's well known and recommended by a local photographer friend.
    Check them out in YouTube.

    Sand Waves Adventures They are base at
    Molen Str, Jetty Kiosk Swakopmund, Swakopmund, Erongo 9000

  • Mil scheduled the afternoon 1/2 day trip after catamaran sail on your recommendation.
    Wanted to confirm that was the company.

  • milmil
    edited March 2024

    Stellie HI! That's very cool... cannot wait to hear your reviews of the entire trip-
    Did you pay? I asked them if they wanted me to pay online and they replied to do so on tour day, at their office before departure, was it the same with you?
    Have a great weekend. :)
    PD: I'm thinking on doing a hot air balloon ride. at Kwessi Dunes. I'm checking with the lodge.

  • We took a catamaran excursion when we went to Namibia in 2018 and had a very good experience which included huge pelicans landing on the boat and sitting right next to us and seals jumping onto the boat too. This is not unusual. We went near a small island which had hundreds of seals, the smell was pretty bad. We also saw a sun fish which is very rare. I think I recall a feast of oysters and champagne too!

  • edited March 2024

    Here are some pics of the Park

  • Mil, They told me to pay as well when I actually take the tour. I'm meeting them at the Flamingo Villa Parking at 12:00.
    Starting to get excited about this journey.
    Thanks "British "for the photos!

  • milmil
    edited March 2024

    Stellie, Happy Sat.
    When are you going? Are you staying any extra days?
    Which day are you doing this? Day 4? - Tauck will be at Walvis Bay on that day to do their Catamaran, seals, Dolphin etc.. day activity and it starts early morning- we might endup sharing a Catamaran with Sandwaves.. because the description for both companies it's the same. Tauck will finish the day act. with a BBQ in Wallis Bay- So, my plan it's to skip the BBQ and go on to meet Sandwaves-
    IF! Tauck it's not done by noon , then I will skip Tauck all together and do the Catamaran, Flamingos, Seals and Sandwich Harbour all with Sandwaves- They offer an all-day tour with everything included as Tauck + the sandwich harbor .

  • Mil I am going on South Africa Elegant tour first. Flying into Cape town 2 days earlier prior to tour start (July 19th) and then Flying to Windhoek Namibia on July 30th from Zimbabwe. So no extra days in Namibia on front or back end.
    Doing your suggested tour on Day 5 .
    Thanks Mil for turning me on to that company!

  • I’m not positive here, but I do think you will see all these things anyway while you are in the area without doing an extra tour. There are only so many roads in the area and you do drive by the salt making areas, flamingoes and there is also a seal colony at Cape Cross which is along the road out of Swokopmund and shipwrecks in the area. I’m in the middle of creating my photo books of the area. Otherwise it is flat desert for many miles around.. I’ll try to post photos of the area. Don’t miss the catamaran trip.

  • I’m pretty sure the photo of the building is the hotel you are staying at, we had lunch there when we arrived on our trip. When you do the scenic flight you fly over Sandwich Bay. On another of the photos of the shoreline with the shadow of the plane in it, the tiny dots are seals. The shipwreck photo is taken from just off the road.

  • Amazing photos British. Thank you for sharing them.

  • Thanks! Yes, that is the hotel we'll stay.

  • Mil,
    One other question.
    Are you getting vaccinated for Namibia?
    Will you be taking Malaria Pills?
    I'm just starting to look for requirements on CDC and World Health Site for South Africa / Zimbabwe/ Namibia.
    It's over whelming.
    I just want to get what ever is absolutely necessary.
    Thank you,

  • Nothing is absolutely necessary, but we are up to date with all vaccines that we need to live in every day USA and for traveling just about everywhere on the planet. For us, it’s very important. You have to be your own advocate. It’s only since reading this forum that I have realized that many people do not take advantage of so many of the vaccines available, especially for seniors

  • milmil
    edited March 2024

    Stellie hello. :)

    I have taken Malaria for Kenya & Tanzania and also for Botswana, Zambia.- just as precaution, but I will not take any for Namibia. -It's dry and we are always group up and under Tauck bubble- plus there isn't any outbake of Malaria in Namibia... going on.
    I have the yellow fever, DTAP and the Hepatitis A & B all up to date and all 6 Covid shots! only if need it I will take again the Typhoid, but nothing else.
    If you decide to take the Malaria, make sure to take it in the morning with lots of dairy products for no effects or stomach issues. and
    just a suggestion, do all your Vaccination... separately. do not go for a cocktail of pills - 2 weeks prior to the trip, it will kill you! people love to do that and then they get sick the very first week if their vac. time. Also, check Costco prices, I get them all @ Costco 1/2 the price.
    The travel places do overcharge.

    Hope this helps. :)

  • Thanks so much Mil. Much appreciated!

  • Hepatitis A and B vaccines are advised. Typhoid can either be a shot or oral pills( the shot is only good for 2 years but the oral is good for 5 years so guess which one I have taken!). The only part of Namibia that is in a malaria area is the extreme north and east-Caprivi strip and Etosha. I buy permethrin spray( on Amazon or at outdoors stores) and spray my clothes in advance-just don't wash them in hot water or with other untreated clothes before or during your trip). You can buy pretreated clothes but they are pricy. Might be good to buy a couple of pair of treated socks. I try to minimize putting insect repellent on my skin so that is why I embrace treating my clothes instead! Check out Insect Shield and Ex Officio for ideas. REI is also a good source.

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