Clothing and weather

Any suggestions about clothing and weather this time of year?


  • edited January 2017
    Weather is weather and unpredictable in the British Isles and Ireland where it can vary throughout the day- as they like to say over there, "If you don't like the weather, just wait 15 minutes."

    That being said, temps usually don't vary more than a couple of degrees in 24 hours. Have you read the "Before You Go" > "Preparing to Go" > "Weather" tab on the page for this tour on this website? You can expect temps in the mid to high 50's in April/May. We experienced warmer temps in Ireland in July/Aug last summer and much higher temps in England a few years ago when a heat wave swept across Europe.

    Like most Tauck tours, the key is to dress in layers and don't forget some sort of rain gear, and good walking shoes.
  • Margraves wrote:
    Any suggestions about clothing and weather this time of year?

    What time of year? When are you going? The more you research about a country you are going to, the more you will enjoy it when you get there. Regarding shopping in your other post, Tauck does not focus on shopping.
  • British wrote:
    What time of year? When are you going? The more you research about a country you are going to, the more you will enjoy it when you get there. Regarding shopping in your other post, Tauck does not focus on shopping.

    British, according to the website, there is only 1 departure WB and 1 EB in late April, early May for 2017 and 2018.
  • Why anyone would like to be on a boat in the oceans around Britain at that time of year just stumps me!
  • Just back from that trip. Weather was classic British Isle weather... 40F-60F, partly/mostly cloudy, a tad of rain. Both hotels and the ship had umbrellas in the closets, so you don't need to pack one. The ship is large enough that the seas (ranging from calm to 6ft waves) weren't an issue -- the big Norwegian Pride of America was tossed around more going around Hawaii than Le Soleal was on this trip. Had my Dramamine handy, but didn't need it.

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