Free Day in Sydney

I have been looking at activities for our free day in Sydney and came across Hunter Valley wine tours. If anyone has taken one of these tours, I would be interested in your feedback. Or if you have other ideas for free time in Sydney, I would welcome them as well. Thank you.


  • If you are intrepid, how about the Sydney Bridge Climb? We could not bring ourselves to do it but have friends who did and thought it was a great experience!
  • When I took the trip there was included dinner night of free day. Some went to zoo, did the bridge climb, I went to Manly to explore and took take out lunch to beach (fish and chips really good). I do suggest getting tickets to the opera house. A few of us got tickets for night of free day, so our included dinner was moved to the day before schedule. If feel comfortable waiting till you get there to purchase tickets they were discounted.
  • Some of the options we really have enjoyed while in Sydney were the Zoo, Manly and the ferry ride, a tour of the Opera House or see an event there, a tour in the Rocks, or a day trip to the Blue Mountains.
  • We went to the Rocks area and walked around for a while. Then had a very pleasant lunch (Try the Kangaroo burger very tasty).

    After lunch, we went back to the hotel area and went to the gardens, which is right across the street. One can spend a week in Sydney there is a lot to see

    Have a good trip

  • I agree with the others that a ferry trip to Manly is well worth it. There is plenty to do over there and the ferry trip across the harbour itself is enjoyable. We didn't get to the zoo and didn't attempt the bridge clime but watched people doing that from our table outside one of the harbour restaurants. You will enjoy this tour very much.
  • edited April 2017
    Personally, for me, there were more than enough wine tours/tastings on that trip, and I wouldn't recommend another one.

    I did a 4 hour bicycle tour with Bonza Bike Tours. It included biking through downtown and over the harbor bridge. I enjoyed it a lot.
  • I spent five days in Sydney and have done all of the above recommended items except going to Manly. The Hunter Valley tour was exceptional but it may depend upon the organizer. I highly recommend the Bridge climb. I did the Discovery climb. Also if you want a pleasant day the Zoo is excellent. Also a tour of the Opera House is good. I recommend booking in advance. You in fact could likely do the Bridge and the Opera House. A walk through the Botanical gardens is also very pleasant.
  • The bridge walk may be very dependent on the weather and the time of year you go. It was winter when we went and very windy. In the summer the heat could make it exhausting
  • very interesting to read
  • Went to the Queen Victoria Building. About a mile from the hotel. Amazing upscale mall.

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