Attire, Classic Tour of Italy

My wife and I will be taking this tour beginning 9/5/17. Last year we over-packed for Switzerland and still did not have clothing we needed. I understand that dining in Italy will not be as relaxed as Switzerland, especially in the evening. Are jeans frowned upon in the churches? Sneakers? I prefer them for walking, but mine are pretty "bright." Slacks in the evenings or will khakis suffice? Collars at all times? What is considered to be too "bright (I glow in the dark)?" Ladies? I told my wife we aren't waiting until the last minute to figure this out this year.


  • edited March 2017
    Tattooz1 wrote:
    My wife and I will be taking this tour beginning 9/5/17. Last year we over-packed for Switzerland and still did not have clothing we needed. I understand that dining in Italy will not be as relaxed as Switzerland, especially in the evening. Are jeans frowned upon in the churches? Sneakers? I prefer them for walking, but mine are pretty "bright." Slacks in the evenings or will khakis suffice? Collars at all times? What is considered to be too "bright (I glow in the dark)?" Ladies? I told my wife we aren't waiting until the last minute to figure this out this year.

    Clean jeans (without rips, holes or a peekaboo derriere : ) ) and sneakers in churches- no problem. Bare shoulders, halters, wife beater T's, shorts, booty shorts- no, no's in churches. It is still a casual tour (at times "Smart Casual"). Khakis (and other casual slacks, capris for women) are fine. Collars- preferred at dinner (smart casual again), but not required- you won't be arrested by the fashion police, but you might look out of place. On our tour, most, but not all, dressed up just a bit for the welcome and farewell dinners- many of the men wore nice shirts, blazer (some wore a blazer over golf shirt), a few wore ties and women wore dresses, or nice slacks and nice blouse, with sweater or other accessories). Both occasions were at local restaurants catering to tourists- they want your money, and don't care much how you dress.

    Remember, this tour is often unofficially called the "ABC" (another beautiful church) Tour, seriously. : ) but you aren't attending Sunday services. Also, remember, it will still be quite warm in Italy when you go

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