Tulips in Amsterdam

We are traveling Basel to Amsterdam. Will there be time in Amsterdam to arrange a side trip to any nearby gardens, such as The Keukenhof? Our arrival there will be on the early side of the Tulip Season, but would love to experience the sight. Could our Tauck Guide help arrange such an adventure for us?
Jim and Linda


  • Your itinerary for day 7 (the only day in Amsterdam) is very full. More so than normal for a Rhine cruise. If you want to see the gardens and any other sites you'd do better to extend your cruise at the Tauck contracted hotel or another. The Tauck hotel has a concierge staff who can help you out, Tauck will provide a transfer to the hotel and then to the airport at the end of your stay.

  • edited March 2017
    I went in a few days before my tour began and took the local bus to the entrance so I was not on tour and having to watch a clock for bus back. The bus goes to the airport and you change bus to the gardens. It was fantastic.

    It is about 29 euro for a combo ticket from Amsterdam centrum.
  • We are traveling Basel to Amsterdam. Will there be time in Amsterdam to arrange a side trip to any nearby gardens, such as The Keukenhof? Our arrival there will be on the early side of the Tulip Season, but would love to experience the sight. Could our Tauck Guide help arrange such an adventure for us?
    Jim and Linda

    We are going on the Rhine and Swiss Alps river cruise (Basel-Amsterdam) toward the end or the tulip season. Our river cruise ends in Amsterdam and we have booked an additional 2 night stay there. From the looks of things we want to do there, we should have added one more night, but c'est la vie. We did book a Viator to the Keukenhof gardens. It's a 5 hour excursion ( 1 hour drive + 3 hours at the garden) which includes transportation and tickets and no waiting on line, so we hope its a good value. Good luck. Sherry

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