Classic Italy, Small Group 5-18-17 Shops Around LaFavorita Hotel?

Hi All,

For those who have been on this trip, are there any boutiques around the hotel in Sorrento? We'll be there a few days before the tour begins and would like to know if there are any stores around the La Favorite Hotel.

Marie & Al


  • La Favorita is right at the edge of the main shopping/dining area of Sorrento. Keep in mind, however most stuff is priced based on the location- it is a tourist destination with everything (good and bad) that means so expect anything from little shops selling stuff made in China to high-end shops selling Ferragamo, Gucci, Michael Kors, Dulce & Gabana, and Armani.

    Don't forget, Google/Google Maps is your friend.
  • Thank you AlanS. I thought to myself, it will be my luck that I'll find a top that I like and it will be made in China! LOL No way do I want something from China - I can find that all over the states. I will use my google tool. Thanks!
  • Italian designer clothing is often cheaper to buy in the US.

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