Restaurants in sorrento

Hi my husband and I will be celebrating our 30 the wedding anniversary while we are in Sorrento. Can anyone recommend a restaurant for May 25,2017?


  • We never found a bad one, but I suspect you are looking for one that is "a cut above." If no one chimes in with specific recommendations, try searching Google, TripAdvisor or Rick Steves.
  • edited April 2017
    Hi Lianna,

    We'll be on the Classic Italy Small Group Trip starting 5/18/17. I always found Trip Advisor to be very helpful. This is our first time to Italy. I came across a top Gelato place. So we're definitely going there! We're getting in on 5/16. So we'll be ready to explore some of the restaurants that Trip Advisor recommends as their top restaurants in the area. We were also contemplating taking a tour of the Island of Capri while we mosey along on the 3 days of free time. Enjoy and have a safe trip!

    Happy Anniversary!

  • For nicer restaurant, try Ristorante Museo Caruso (I believe that you'll want a reservation for this one). Haven't eaten there myself, but heard good things from those who did. For a more relaxed and inexpensive meal try Ristorante la Lanterna. Both are near the center of the tourist area. Enjoy your trip. After 10 Tauck tours, the Classic Italy (our first) is still our favorite.
  • We were on Classic Italy this time last year -- you will have a wonderful time! We celebrated an anniversary in the Michelin-starred restaurant downstairs in your hotel, the Grand Hotel Excelsior Vittoria. I was shameless enough to mention the anniversary when I booked the reservation, and they put us in a little side room with a huge picture window overlooking the Bay of Naples. Excellent dinner, great friendly service. The entire staff at this hotel is so helpful and sweet -- first time I've ever been hugged by a front desk manager when I checked out!
  • We were on the Classic Italy tour the last 2 weeks of May last year. Our first Tauck trip and our first trip to Europe. It was a great time. Our travel agent had booked reservations for us at Ristorante Bagni Delfino based on some recommendations she had received from her clients. Unfortunately we canceled the reservation after enjoying a very filling lunch earlier in the day. It's a venue on the sea and the trip advisor recommendations are good.

    Have a great time on your trip.

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