Rhine river cruise


  • On Tauck River Cruises, happy hour typically runs from 5-6 (drinks and apps), then dinner from 6-8 (it's a fairly leisurely meal that takes 45 mins or more for all courses). In the lounge there is usually some light entertainment - a pianist/singer, a quiz, the crew talent show (don't miss), or maybe some regional entertainers. There are also european TV channels and movies to watch in your room. On the newer ships/systems it's a library of on demand movies. On the older ships it used to be 2 movies that repeated all day long, but those may have been replaced by on demand systems. There's also some games/puzzles in the bistro.

    Of course there's also chilling out on the sun deck if there's anything interesting to see. Take a wrap, it can be chilly up there. Some ports you may be within walking distance of local attractions but only if the ship isn't underway to the next port.

    And finally, resting up from a busy day and getting ready for the next.
  • Hey Claudia, a leisurely meal in Europe takes hours, is there opportunity to tell the servers to slow the pace down? I'm serious, she never we are dining with others, 45 minutes is too fast to enjoy good food good wine and good conversation.
  • The 45 minutes is a minimum of what it takes in the main dining room for soup, starter and main but you can take your time. No one will rush you. The portions are small compared to US standards so you can enjoy but still not take a long time to eat. It also depends if you want dessert or to linger over coffee. I was usually too full and more likely to head to the lounge for afters, chat and entertainment.

    The welcomed and farewell meals have more courses and everyone is starting/finishing pretty much in sync.

    We did have some people on our first cruise that would show up in the dining room after 7 then complain they weren't done in time for evening entertainment that usually starts at 8. The TD did have to explain to them it wasn't a fast food restaurant.
  • Explorer, In your reply to, "what to do at night" you said, "Of course there's also chilling out on the sun deck if there's anything interesting to see. Take a wrap, it can be chilly up there". We assume the wraps are furnished?
  • No Tauck doesn't provide clothing. I mean a sweater, jacket, pashmina, etc. Whatever you like to wear to keep you warm.

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