July 7, 2017 Scandinavia tour-anyone going early? Interested in Aero Island?

My husband and I are going on the July 7th Scandinavia tour. We are arriving on July 5. Would like suggestions for what to do on July 5th and 6th. In some of my reading, Aero Island is listed as one of the top 3 hidden secrets of Europe. Anyone been there? If so, give me some info on your arrangements to get there, and suggestions of what to do there? Also, anyone who is going early on the July 7th tour and interested in going there, please let us know.


  • Hi..We are going on July 7 trio and will be arriving in the morning of July 6 traveling from Boston...If we have time, we would be interested in going with you'
    Anne & Bruce
  • HuntNfun wrote:
    My husband and I are going on the July 7th Scandinavia tour. We are arriving on July 5. Would like suggestions for what to do on July 5th and 6th. In some of my reading, Aero Island is listed as one of the top 3 hidden secrets of Europe. Anyone been there? If so, give me some info on your arrangements to get there, and suggestions of what to do there? Also, anyone who is going early on the July 7th tour and interested in going there, please let us know.

    A quick google tells you just about everything you need to know, what to see, the towns, the food to expect etc etc, but getting there is based on ferry timetables. Quite a long train ride from Copenhagen to get to the ferry.
  • I think I will stick in town ...If anyone is Jewish, we plan on visiting the Jewish area and the Mitzvah museum
  • Hi, Anne and Bruce,
    We have decided not to go to Aero Island; it seems like it will take so much time to travel to and from there. I am still debating on several options-one of them is Kronborg Castle. If you are interested, please let us know. Would appreciate comments from anyone who has visited the castle. Do you recommend going there? Did you go by train? Did you visit other sites in the castle area?

  • Hi...

    We will be arriving on July 6 around 9...will probably get to hotel around 11 or so...I am thinking lunch then a tour....
    I want to see the Little Mermaid statue and the castle as well as Hans Christian Anderson..//If you are there earlier and can get information, we would love to join you
    We only have morning on the day of the tour,.It starts at 1 PM ..
    If you get the info, if you can leave it for us at check in , we can meet for lunch and go with you to the sights, if yiu are interested.
  • Hi
    The tour actually goes to Rosenborg and Frederiksborg palaces...
    There is an afternoon walking tour that see the Little Mermaid and other old streets in copenhangen;.;.If you want to wait for us, it will be for total tour./Also, probably others as well.;This one is by Copenhagen Walking tour company...
    Let me know..I think we can do tours at 2 PM??

  • Anne, my email address is nctravlrrl@gmail.com

    That might be a better way of making plans. I'm not sure what we will do on the 6th but we can discuss options. Hope to hear from you.

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