Waitomo & Rotorua 2 day tour from Auckland

We are going on the Grand Australia & New Zealand tour in November. We would like to take a 2 day tour to Waitomo and Rotorua. Has anyone taken this type of tour after the Tauck tour ends and do you have any recommendations for tour companies?


  • I just took a look at your Itinerary because when we took this tour, Roturua was part of the tour, but I notice it has been removed. Interesting. Because for us it was a disappointing part of the tour. Otherwise, New Zealand's fantastic. I wonder if others have said the same which is why it was removed.
  • We were on this tour a couple years ago and thought that Rotorua was quite interesting. There was a Maori Cultural Center which put on a ceremonial show and there are steam vents there.

    The only negative was that after we finished Rotorua , we took a very long bus ride to Auckland. But if you can get there it is certainly worth a day
  • I was on the trip last year and also enjoyed the stop at Rotorua. We flew from there to Auckland, no bus.

    If they cut anything from the trip, it should have been the 3rd day at Silky Oaks in QLD. A day at leisure in a place where there's nothing but rainforest (and accompanying rain) seemed like a poor use of limited time.

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