Scotland June 22nd

Has anyone besides us received the letter from our tour director (Susan Hermann) stating that she will not be joining us until Sunday? How can this be?

Larry & Barbara Shapiro


  • edited June 2017
    Wow, that is interesting!

    I'm positive there will be a Tauck "person" - an experienced Tauck TD who is currently leading or has lead this or other tours- to take care of you until your regular TD arrives. And, of course, you'll also have local guides at most places like Stirling Castle, cruising Loch Lomond (you take the high road), the Distillery, and through the highlands. Sometimes things pop up at the last minute (sickness, family issues, etc.) but Tauck always comes through. If you are really concerned, give Tauck a call.
  • That's weird, first, we have never received any correspondence from a tour director prior to us going on s tour, though I have read once on the forum of this happening. But, I have been on two toirs where there were last minute replacement Tour directors and they were both excellent. If I were you I would be on the phone now asking Tauck for clarification or asking this question on the forum, it is not regularly picked up by Tauck staff, that's why we keep getting spammers.

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