Amalfie coast sept 10 tour. Attire

My husband and I are first time travelers to Italy. We will definitely check the weather before packing but would capris and shorts be appropriate during the day? Would a sundress or capris and sweater set be ok for dinner or would a dressier dress and heels be more appropriate?
Also should we bring bathing suits? Is there time to get to the pool? Do the hotels supply robes ? Appreciate any thoughts!


  • My husband and I are first time travelers to Italy. We will definitely check the weather before packing but would capris and shorts be appropriate during the day? Would a sundress or capris and sweater set be ok for dinner or would a dressier dress and heels be more appropriate?
    Also should we bring bathing suits? Is there time to get to the pool? Do the hotels supply robes ? Appreciate any thoughts!

    The tour is casual, as are most Tauck tours. There are plenty of posts about this- check the archives for this tour, Classic Italy, etc.

    Capris & shorts fine for the day. (note: Italian men don't wear shorts- "only children wear shorts." Also remember
    you will be visiting a few churches and shorts may not be allowed.

    Sundress, capris, blouse, sweater, ok for dinner. Men- khakis and collared shirt.
    If you want you can wear a dressier dress for welcome & farewell dinner, but it is not necessary. Wear slacks and maybe accessorize with scarf, etc. Leave the heels at home!

    Bring suits. Time? There was time curing Classic Italy, but only two hotels had pools. Most supply robes.

    Disclaimer: this was written by a man.
  • Do men really need to pack a blazer/ sport coat for the Amalfi/ Capri/Rome tour? I hate to pack it if it's not needed.
  • edited July 2017
    No you do not need a jacket. It's a long time since we took this tour and my husband rarely takes a jacket on Tauck tours. It's obvious that most men do not want to bring jackets on Tauck's tours because it is the most asked question on the forum. There may be one or two who do wear jackets, but be assured you will not be the only guy without one, and as the tour progresses, those man who wear them, will never be seen in them again, except maybe the last night and then they will be thinking ' I brought the darn thing with me so I might as well wear it' on the last night. My husband wears a nice dress shirt, many wear 'golf shirts' which, being born in a different country, I call those a t shirt with a collar, and personally I do not think they are smart enough for dinner on most of the Tauck occasions. This was written by a woman????
  • I took a jacket and wore it twice during Classic Italy- to the welcome & farewell dinners. I'm not sure but I might have worn a tie for a total of 15 minutes on those two occasions combined.

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