Amsterdam to Budapest - August 21, 2017

Hello All,

My name is Wally and my wife and I are on the Amsterdam to Budapest leaving August 21st. We are from Woodinville, WA, which is just Northeast of Seattle, WA. This is our first river cruise, although we have traveled to Europe several times.

The day we arrive we hope that there will have enough time to go visit the Anne Frank museum before 4:00, the official start of the cruise. We have also booked a few more nights in Budapest to see the country side and a walking tour of the Jewish quarter.

I have been looking on the forums for the last few months for others on this particular cruise, but have haven't seen any postings. I hope that this may start some responses and conversation with other that are on this cruise.

See you on boars,



  • I hope you already got your tickets for Anne Frank house, or you are probably out of luck. Hope not!
  • "British",

    Good advise, and yes we have our tickets.


  • Hi Wally,

    I'm so glad you posted something regarding these dates. I too have been watching the postings wondering if anyone would be mentioning this trip. This is mine and my husband's first river cruise and first trip to Europe so we are very excited! We do not have any plans upon arrival. We are just looking forward to seeing the sights.

    Looking forward to meeting everyone!
    Brandy and Paul
  • Brandy,

    Thank you for your reply. We arrive in Amsterdam at 9:20 AM. We are hoping to get to the boat, drop off our luggage and head over to the Anne Frank Museum, and get back to the boat by 4:00ish. After the cruise, in Budapest, we are staying an extra three days to see some of the sights in Budapest.

    I look forward to meeting you soon,

    Wally & Carol,

  • Vardb3, good plan. The ship docks in a good location for walking around central Amsterdam and accessing public transport. It's also a good opportunity to find an ATM (several on Dam square) so you can get some Euros for your trip.

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