Grand Hotel to Airport - How much time?

We have an 8:30 am flight the day after our tour ends. Tauck will provide transportation to the airport. Any idea how much time this will take getting to the airport? Then another 3 hours for check in. Ugh!


  • Rudys wrote:
    We have an 8:30 am flight the day after our tour ends. Tauck will provide transportation to the airport. Any idea how much time this will take getting to the airport? Then another 3 hours for check in. Ugh!

    Google says 11 min.
  • That 11 min. would be driving time to the downtown airport, not to KEF. I won't be driving, was looking for an idea of having hotel get us a taxi, etc. Tauck will get me details once we are there, was just curious now.
  • Why are you not taking advantage of the free Tauck transport?
  • edited July 2017
    Rudys wrote:
    That 11 min. would be driving time to the downtown airport, not to KEF. I won't be driving, was looking for an idea of having hotel get us a taxi, etc. Tauck will get me details once we are there, was just curious now.

    Sorry, wrong airport (have only flown 'over' Iceland.) But, Google is still a good source- it says 41 min. from the Grand Hotel to KEF. As British says, why would you take a taxi instead of using Tauck's free transport? They will make sure you are at the airport in plenty of time to check in and catch your flight- that is why you provide departure time to Tauck before your trip. They can forward that info to the company that provides the transport. Your TD will have a schedule and reconfirm times once or twice before the end of the tour.

    In any event, it will be an early get up- Unless you want to get up for earlier for breakfast if provided, I suspect you'll need to have your bags ready for pickup from your room by 4:30 and be in the lobby ready to go sometime between 5:00 and 5:30. Keflavik recommends you check in 2.5 hours prior to departure. I can't imagine there will be much traffic at that hour.
  • Thanks, AlanS and British. I am indeed taking the Tauck connection (I did mention that in my 2nd post), but was trying to get an idea about how early a morning this would be. In retrospect, I should have been able to estimate that from the available information. I REALLY appreciate AlanS' link to the KEF web site. Lots of nice info there!
  • Rudys wrote:
    Thanks, AlanS and British. I am indeed taking the Tauck connection (I did mention that in my 2nd post), but was trying to get an idea about how early a morning this would be. In retrospect, I should have been able to estimate that from the available information. I REALLY appreciate AlanS' link to the KEF web site. Lots of nice info there!

    No problem. We try to help when we can. Too few folks return here to share their experiences and "wisdom." : ) Whoda thunk there were two airports in Keflavik?!?!? : (

    I stumbled onto the KEF website by accident, but also thought it quite helpful. They come right out and say how early to arrive. Sometimes it is a crap shoot. With domestic flights, we always push it and arrive closer to departure than recommended, of course we adjust that depending on the particular airport and situation. We have two trips in the next few weeks- we leave next Friday for a short visit to Panama (family) then depart mid-August for Tauck's Romantic Germany.

    Enjoy Iceland!!

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