Mens dinner jackets

Usually Tauck does not suggest dinner jackets for men. Is this trip an exception. It looks like jackets are required at several places.


  • edited July 2017
    WEG wrote:
    Usually Tauck does not suggest dinner jackets for men. Is this trip an exception. It looks like jackets are required at several places.

    Check in the archives for this forum and the other Ireland forums- plenty of discussions on this topic. There is only one place that reqiures it- the George V dining room, one of the three optional places to dine at Ashford Castle. See my comments about the other places in my other post.
  • Are we talking dinner jackets here, that is, a tuxedo jacket, or are we talking sports jackets?
  • British wrote:
    Are we talking dinner jackets here, that is, a tuxedo jacket, or are we talking sports jackets?

    I can't speak for WEG, but I'm talking sports coat.

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