July 15, 2017 - Tauck Does It Right!

We just returned from the July 15th Red Rocks & Painted Canyons tour with our 10yr old grandson. What a great trip! Could not have been any better (other than a few flight delays). This tour featured first class accommodations and meals, well planned and scheduled activities that were interesting and enjoyable for both adults and children, a top notch tour director and bus driver, and a well thought out itinerary. Our tour director Julie was fabulous. We have been on a number of tours in the US and Europe, and I have to say that Julie was the best ever. She kept things running smoothly (not always easy with 38 adults and children), was patient and always found a way to make it happen. She was entertaining and informative without being too intrusive. Not her first rodeo, to be sure. She was a gem! John, our bus driver, made the transportation seamless and fun. We never seemed to see our luggage, it was either waiting for us in our room or packed on the bus and ready to go. It was also great to have the tour bookended by stays at Four Seasons hotels - first class! When our granddaughter turns 10 (2 years) we have promised her a trip. It will undoubtedly be a Tauck Bridges tour.


  • How was the weather during that time of year? Thanks!

  • edited January 2021

    Caroline- the post by terpfan71 is 3 1/2 years old. Also, if you click on his/her name you'll see from the profile that was his/her only post, so it is doubtful he/she is still active on the forum. You are better off starting a new thread.

    A great source for weather info presented by month, week, or day for major cities around the world is WeatherSpark,com The weather (temps, precip, wind, etc.) is presented in easy to understand and interpret graphical form. I use it when planning for every trip- from the deciding when we want to go, what weather to expect, clothes to wear, etc.

  • Like Alan, I always check the expected weather before we chose a date because I’m not good at coping with very hot weather. Tauck also shows the expected weather for everywhere they go on the page for the tour but specific weather sites like Weatherspark give more details.

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