Ken Burns tour

If the tour is listed as a Ken Burns tour, does that mean he is on the tour with us? Exactly what does it mean and what makes it special and a usual sellout? We are going on the Ken Burns Canadian Rockies and Glacier Natl Park tour on Sept. 3 so I would like to know what makes this tour extra special.


  • All it means is that he (and/or his people at Florentine Films) consulted with Tauck in the design of the tour. Also, while traveling on the bus, you will be shown video vignettes narrated by Burns and maybe others like his long-time collaborator Dayton Duncan about the area and points of interest. I'm sure there will be one video about young president, Theodore Roosevelt, one of the national parks' greatest champions, naturalist/author John Muir, and the establishment of National Parks/the National Park Service taken from Burns' "The National Parks: America's Best Idea" (co-produced by Dayton Duncan).

    Disclaimer- have not been on this tour but have taken Tauck's Hidden Gems of New England which is also a "Tauck and Ken Burns crafted tour".
  • If it is like the BBC 'Specal tour dates' that Tauck also do, it is exactly as Alan describes and not much different from a regular tour. We did take this tour several years ago and loved it. Would take it again in a heartbeat.
  • Alan is correct. Burns is only at special events.

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