October 5th Eastbound trip

We are going. We are coming from Chapel Hill NC. We are arriving on Oct 4


  • We have never been to Asia, unless you count Australia and New Zealand. Rodd & Sandy Baxter.
  • RMB44 wrote:
    We have never been to Asia, unless you count Australia and New Zealand. Rodd & Sandy Baxter.

    That's called Australasia !
  • This is what I found on the WHO WEBSITE, which was actually more helpful than the CDC. http://www.who.int/cholera/technical/FaqTravelersNov2010.pdf?ua=1
    Was the healthcare provider you mention a Traveller's Doctor? Were they getting mixed up with Typhoid?
    We found on our early days of travel to exotic locations that some of the Travel clinics were rather over zealous about what vaccines they recommended because they could charge so much for them and make a fat profit. It pays to read up on the CDC amd WHO websites, who will have up to date information about current outbreaks of things like Cholera. The British NHS website on travel medicine is also great. It pays to have this knowledge under your belt before you visit a travel Dr, have your itinerary with you including a map of areas you will be visiting and your health record and list of immunizations you have already had and when last given Then you can question their reasoning about anything you feel is unnecessary. That's what we do these days.
    I just read a headline on one f these websites that there are now limited supplies of Yellow fever vaccines back in the US.
    As a side note, the current disaster in Florida makes the risk of Cholera real there too.
  • Julie - I'm going on this trip in October. Per the CDC recommendations from earlier this year, I got Hep A vaccination (2 shots 6 months apart) and oral typhoid ( 1 capsule every other day x 4). That's it. I'm a physician (retired), but not primary care. I don't recall a recommendation for cholera.
  • We had the Hep A vaccine and the oral typhoid medication as well. Nothing else.
  • Check with your health care provider. Our’s has a “Travel Nurse” and they ask many questions regarding Region, Hotel Levels & Rural Exposure, but didn’t recommend Cholera immunization for this tour. We always check in with them before traveling internationally, as navigating the CDC website can be challenging. My school district requires employees to have Hep A & B, so I only needed the Typhoid regimen. I was thrilled to learn those immunizations are still in effect for our upcoming trip to Southeast Asia, for which they also did not see a need to worry about Cholera.

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