Best of the Canadian Rockies v. Canadian Rockies & Glacier

Other than 2 more days and an extra $1,000, is there much of a difference between the 2 tours?


  • A fair amount. Compare the itineraries.
  • Not very helpful. Obviously I did that, but marketing literature is different than factual differences.
  • Have been on the Rockies and Glacier Park tour, some time ago. The Glacier Lake and Going to the Sun highway on the vintage buses was one of the highlights. You have to make the decision, I really don't know how Tauck can be more detailed about the tour than they have already published. If you are not satisfied with answers here, you can talk to Tauck and see if they can give you an bour by hour breakdown of what you will be doing. I doubt anyone will have been on both the tours because they overlap so much. Put it this way, I would do the same tour again in a heartbeat!
  • Canadian Rockies and Glacier National Park, in 2011, was our first of many Tauck tours. The scenery was exceptional. We chose the this tour because we wanted to see Glacier National Park while we still could. Those glaciers are melting, and this is the only opportunity in North America to see glaciers besides Alaska...a must do trip in and of itself. If you are really a big vista and drop dead gorgeous scenery person, this is the trip to take. If you do not particularly care about seeing more gorgeous scenery, choose the shorter trip or do the Grand Canadian Rockies trip that starts in Vancouver, includes Victoria and Butchart Gardens, then takes the luxury train to Jasper National Park, Lake Louise, and Banff.
    No matter what you choose, Tauck will provide a wonderful experience. And yes, it is well worh the money. I do suggest that while choosing, you select one of the small group trips. Have fun.
  • We took the Best of the Canadian Rockies tour several years ago and it was wonderful! HOWEVER, we had already toured Glacier National Park on the Road to the Sun on our own a couple of years earlier. Glacier is beautiful, and though we didn't spend a night there, we did feel like we saw at least most of the park in all its glory. We loved seeing the mountain goats clinging to the sides of the mountains and the slow traffic as they were photographed. If you've never been to Glacier, you'll miss a lot of beautiful scenery if you don't take the longer tour.
  • So here is one of my TMI stories. When we were at The Glacier Lake lodgings, I woke up early and headed out to the balcony to look at the scenery. The mountains nearby were beautifully reflected in the Lake in that gorgeous morning light. I quickly shouted---- Mr B, get out here quickly and see the view and take a photo, the magic will be gone in a minute. So he proceeded to put some clothes on, I say forget the clothes, just wrap a towel round your waist, which he did. The problem came when he was taking the photo, yes you guessed it, the towel fell off, Me B naked and a lovely mountain and Lake view. That's why this tour is near the top of my favorites????

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