Amsterdam to Budapest Sept 18 to Oct 2nd

One question. I filled in a form to allow our email address to be shared. I know others did the same. Did I miss something at the departure because I do not have that list and am wondering if there is any way to get it. Nancy & Bob


  • One question. I filled in a form to allow our email address to be shared. I know others did the same. Did I miss something at the departure because I do not have that list and am wondering if there is any way to get it. Nancy & Bob

    This is not an official Tauck function. If asked and if enough people agree, the TD will often do it as a courtesy. It is a manual operation to compile the list because some travelers may not wish to participate and those who agree often use an address that is different from their official email address on file with Tauck. If time permits and a printer or copier is available the TD may hand out the list before you depart, if not the TD will usually send a collective email to everyone on the list. With a much greater number of travelers, a riverboat tour list may take much longer to compile.
  • Tauck has changed iit's policy on email lists several times over the years and it is now considered standard for the tour director to instigate it again and pass round the email list Tauck has for everyone, everyone checks their email is correct and then is given a copy of that list by the end of the tour. We have received emailed ones in the past, but our latest tour finished a week ago, this is how it went. Our long time employed Tauck tour director explained the history of the infamous 'email list' and the story of one of the unofficial lists being given everyone and the privacy case that resulted from it which was costly for Tauck.
  • edited October 2017
    We returned from Romantic Germany on 1 Sept 2017 and weren't provided or asked whether we wanted an email list.

    Either the policy just changed, our TD (20+ years leading Tauck tours) didn't get the memo, or he just didn't initiate the list. In any case, when he was asked about it on the last day (at the farewell dinner?), he responded that nobody had asked, so he didn't make one.
  • We received the list from Carlos via Email today.

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